New for 2020 - you can now purchase personalised memorial leaves for our Willow Memorial Tree at Charlton Park Crematorium. The tree is made of Corten steel and granite, with multiple branches.
Each leaf is made of solid granite and hand carved to include your loved one's name, year of birth and year of death.
Our new memorial tree is crafted from steel and hand-carved granite, finished to a high standard to represent a willow tree.
Key information about the tree:
Simply fill out the form below or call our helpful team during office hours (Mon – Fri 9am -5pm) to order personalised memorial leaves for our new Willow Tree.
The Willow Memorial Tree is located at Charlton Park Crematorium, near Andover in Hampshire. Surrounded by all of the original trees in the 10.5 acre grounds, the Willow Tree fits into the mature parkland setting.
Below you will find a map of the grounds and the exact location of the tree, which is near the main car park.
Once we have filled all the available spaces on this Willow Memorial Tree, extra trees will be commissioned to allow more spaces for personalised leaves.
At the moment, we currently have 1 tree in the grounds at Charlton Park Crematorium as of March 2020.